IQI® Wissen

Top 12 Reasons for Data Quality Management

Here are my top 12 reasons to invest in data quality management:

12. Data are a business asset.
11. Business Intelligence reports are interpreted with much more confidence.
10. Data quality problems may harm your corporate image.
9. Good corporate management requires trustworthy data.
8. Data quality problems cause unnecessary rework during business process execution.
7. Data quality problems make projects fail.
6. Data quality problems cause wrong decisions.
5. Data quality problems cause business process disturbances.
4. Regulatory rules such as Solvency II or Basel III require to perform data quality management.
3. Data quality problems make customers and employees angry.
2. Big Data technologies are not worth its money without data quality management. They will only show you the garbage faster than before.
1. Data quality problems can cause severe accidents, especially in healthcare and logistics industries.

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